Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brown wedding

I had an absolute blast at my good friends Mandy and Colby's wedding. I was on Drill with Mandy but we were also good friends as well. All of us were one big group of friends and we were all together last night for the first time since 11th grade. Bailey, Danny who hasn't changed one bit. Carson, Mikus, Ana Paula and her cute new hubby Paulo, Kim, Breanne, Tasha and her hubby and of course Mandy and Colby the bride and groom. In high school we all went out seperate ways but last night was a blast to be all together and catch up in each other's lives. Afterwards i went to dinner with Carson, Mikus, Danny, Kim and Breanne. It felt like old times. I also had a blast at the wedding seeing old Royalaires and their families. The wedding was fun and Mandy looked beautiful, I was grateful to be part of the ceremony and to share in such a special day with them i wish them all the happiness in the world!!