Monday, July 20, 2009

A week in review

Summer has been super busy but I have been having a blast. Last week was a fun filled week. Mondy and Tuesday was Mckenna and Kelsie's birthdays. Mckenna turned 6 on Monday and Kelsie turned 7 on Tuesday. For Kelsie's birthday we all had a fun day at the Roy Aquatic center. Tuesday night my cousin Madi came to stay with us for a few days. Wednesday morning we went to see Harry Potter!! I was so excited for it.. I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning when the movie started. I have literally grown up on Harry Potter. The movie I thought was very well done. It was pretty true to the story. I was a little bummed that we didn't get to see Dumbledore's funeral or that they left out a lot of information between Dumbledore and Harry that plays into the next movie. Altogether the movie was scary funny and sad all in one.

Thursday we had kind of a lazy day but then that night me and madi had fun going bowling and then afterwards we dressed up and went cruising around Roy. haha it was a lot of fun we are nerds but we sure know how to have fun.

Friday morning we went on a hike up Indian Trail it took us along the mouth of Ogden Canyon. It was a very beautiful hike and me and madi had a lot of fun talking along the way. It got quite adventurous in one area and that is when we realized that we had gotten off the original trail because the real trail was marked on a tree and we passed by it. I was really glad to have Madi come up she hasn't for a few years and it was nice to get to know the Older madi a little better.

Saturday I went with Melissa down to take Madi home then we went to my aunt Jens and visited with Elsina and Stephen who are here from Australia. It was a fun day. I really love them they are such good people. And to end the week i went with Tiffany's family to the Weber State fireworks. We were right by where they shot them off so we had a front row view and they were short sweet and to the point my kind of fireworks. I am so grateful for the wonderful family i have been blessed with. We do so much toegether and create some pretty amazing memories.


madi said...

thanks for having me at your house i had a lot of fun!!

ps:my mom loves your spider man jump & poses!!

-A said...

Wow looks like you guys had fun! :-) Cute spiderman costume!!!