Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fun filled 2 days

So on Thursday it was the first day of spring and i had the day off i scrapbooked all day and did six more layouts of Australia. I have more than half of it done! Maybe by the time Jenifer's family comes in June i can have it all done to show to Adrienne. That night i had a sleepover with Kelsie and Brayden. I went to their house to get them and they have a new pool table which they think is pretty cool so we played 2 games of that. Then we came home and took sadie for a walk to the park. Then we had Macaroni for dinner and watched Beverly Hills chiuahia. It was a very funny movie. I highly recommend it. Then Friday we went with all the fam to the Kayseville theater (My cousin Ashley says we are there once a week, I think she is right!) We saw Hotel for Dogs. This too was a very clever cute movie. The kids all had a good time seeing it.

After the movie we all went down to build a bear my mom bought all the kids one for Easter. I wanted to do one too cause i had never done one and plus im a big kid at heart. The kids really enjoyed themselves and had a lot of fun. Afterwards we went to Spaghetti factory for dinenr it was yummy. Overall it was a really fun day!!